Club History
The objects of the Club shall be the promotion of the German Shepherd Dog by education of the individual dog owners, dog breeders, dog handlers, and other people interested in the betterment of canine and related matters in this province.
Club History...
A Meeting was held at the home of Blois and Reta Boyd, 220 North St, Halifax on March 19, 1961. Those attending were persons interested in organizing a German Shepherd Dog Club. The first slate of officers for the Club were: President, Blois Boyd: Vice President, Floyd Rafuse; Secretary, Grace Rae; and Treasurer, Phyllis Gratton. Only four months later a specialty show was held on July 29, 1961 in conjuction with the Truro Dog Club (a local all-breed club). Judge Mary Southcott had 45 dogs to judge.
The Club President believed that those most recognized as leaders in breeding and those who were judges should be brought in to judge the specialties. The following is a list of judges for the next nine years: 1962, Lloyd Brackett; 1963, Reginald Cleveland; 1964, Dr. William Redlich; 1965, Doris Wilson; 1966, Toni Kleinjohann; 1967, Harry Watson; 1968 Grant Mann; 1969, John Seiler; and 1970, Ernest Loeb. The Club began to offer obedience training classes to the public in 1961, the first Club to do so in the Halifax Dartmouth area. In conjuction with the Halifax Kennel Club's 1962 show the Nova Scotia German Shepherd Dog Club put on the first Obedience Trial to be held in Nova Scotia with Lille Smith as the judge.
In 1970 the Club held it's Seventh Obedience Trial judged by the prominent obedience judge Mr. Jake Giacomelli, who contributed greatly to the sport of obedience. Thirteen dogs were entered in the trial that year.
The Nova Scotia German Shepherd Dog Club has achieved a number of "Firsts" in the Province of Nova Scotia. Among them are: first Club sponsored Breed Survey, performed by Dr. William Redlich in 1964 and published in Volume 4 of the Breed Survey Books; first Obedience Trial; First All Breed Temperament Test; First Tracking Test; and first National Specialty held in Nova Scotia in 1991,organized in conjunction with the other three German Shepherd Dog Clubs of the Maritime Provinces.
"It must be noted that without the dedication and vision of Blois and Reta Boyd this club may not have come this far. On behalf of members past and present Thank you" (Nick duBois 1998)
Club Activities
The Club carries out activities as decided at monthly meetings. The meetings are usually attended by the Club executives as well as other members. An educational session is often scheduled in conjunction with the meeting.
The Club is constantly seeking new ways to achieve it's ojectives and raise the level of public awareness of the Club and the breed. The establishment of this site is an example of this. We have tried to provide as many links to German Shepherd activities as possible.
Two Conformation Specialty shows are held each year, the Nova Scotia German Shepherd Dog Club Specialty and a regional German Shepherd Dog Club of Canada Specialty Show.
Conformation Boosters are held each year in varying numbers, depending on the expertise of individual group seven judges.
The Club began hosting the German Shepherd Dog Club of Canada Eastern Region National Futurity Show. This show enables breeders to compare the producing abilities of various bloodlines.
Tracking tests have been held each year since 1998.
All breed Obedience Trials are held in conjunction with Conformation Specialty shows. The Club actively promotes obedience entries and offers unofficial classes suck as Graduate Novice, Veterans, Brace and Versatility.
Two Canadian Kennel Club Sanctioned Congformation and Obedience Correction matches are held yearly. These serve as a training ground for potential Conformation and Obedience judges and other ring officials. They also offer exhibitors a valuable opportunity to practice under simulated show and trial conditions.
The Club supports the SPCA and other worthy organizations.
The Club also holds an annual Puppy Picnic during the summer months. This is a fun day and social occasion where young or inexperienced dogs and handlers can be evaluated by a knowledgeable German Shepherd enthusiast. Other activities such as Obedience demonstrations are also scheduled.
A Christmas party with pot-luck and seasonal activities is held in mid December.
A Temperament Test has been held annually since 1988. Three sessions of dog training classes are offered yearly to the public. Beginner classes for the family companion dog are available as well as the obedience competition classes Novice, Open and Utility. The Head Instructor is Reta Boyd, a well know Dogs In Canada obedience columnist and Obedience Judge. She is assisted by other volunteer Club members. Club members are offered classes at a reduced rate.
The Club exhibits at local trade shows to promote public awareness of the Club and to further it's objectives.
About The Breed
General Facts | Breed History | Raising Your Dog
Related Activities
Tracking | Obedience | Herding | Agility | Schutzhund
Temperament Test | Aggression